In Memory of Aquarius


Picture Album
Condolences Received

To thank each of you who have sent us thoughtful condolences, I will post them below...

Pat Aunon (Shotzee's Mom)--Sun, 5 Jun 2005

comment: Oh what a beautiful boy you had.  He was so loved by you both.  I'm so sorry for your loss and grieve with you.
My kitty Shotzee (also 20 years, born on Valentines Day, 1985) died last night too (early Sunday, around 12:30 a.m. in Virginia.  Amazingly, she died the same way yours did, the same symptoms of blocked lungs (cancer?).  Could they perhaps be together, these two who are so alike?  I miss my little girl soo much.  I'm sorry for your loss.


Susie Squillions--Sun, 5 Jun 2005
comment: Dear Howard and France,
I saw your post on the Pet Loss forum, and I had to visit Aquarius' site.  It's lovely.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.  Bless you both for loving Aquarius so well, for giving him the perfect forever home while he was with you, and for understanding his gentle nature so well. Aquarius is forever young, healthy, safe, and happy at the Rainbow  Bridge with all of our Bridge Kids who went before him.  I am sure that his tales of his earthly experiences will keep the little Bridge Kids enthralled as long as they are all together there.  They'll gather 'round him in the eveniings to beg, "Please, oh please, Mr. Aquarius -- tell us the one about the time..." over and over again.  You will be legends at the Bridge, and when your times come to join Aquarius there, all the Bridge Kids will want to meet you. Until then, Aquarius is your special angel, and he will live forever in spirit and in your hearts. I can only pray that our TJ will live as long as Aquarius did.  We're
doing our best to make that happen.
I will keep both of you, your surviving kitties, and your sweet
Aquarius in my thoughts and prayers.

Hoshiko--Tue, 7 Jun 2005

Sorry about your cat. 
I was thinking about getting cat for a long time and I
haven't but I really love cats.  And I can understand how
you feel. But I think 20 years is a long life for a cat and he must
have been happy being your cat.

Matt--Tue, 7 Jun 2005
sorry to hear about Aquarius' passing.  I'm sure its hard to deal with but when you get sad remember all those good memories you have. (including those darling pictures!)

Gloria E. Swanson--Tue, 7 Jun 2005
You have my deep sympathy. Your cat will live in your hearts
for the many years he was part of your lives. My husband's mother has a
cat that's at least 20 years old, and it seems the cat keeps my 86-year
old mother-in-law going.  I have a wonderful 2-1/2 year old dog that I
pray lives to be 20.

Steven L. Bibb--Mon, 6 Jun 2005
Anyone who believes it is silly to morn the passing of a pet,
has never had one. I hope I can have another 14 years with my 6 year
old "Cherokee".
France, he wasn't alone, you were there till the end; my thoughts are
with you and Howard.

Barbara Patton--Tue, 7 Jun 2005
FRANCE , I sent a message but still my heart shares
the pain and loss of your fuzzy family member,
As I too love my own and would be lost without
their unconditional love for me,
When the world threw me away thay still love me,

Re;Beloved cat Aquarius
Author: Charles_Mugsy's Dad - 06/05/2005 (17:56)
I just read and wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about Aquarius and offer my condolences. You and Aquarius are in my thoughts and prayers

Re: Aquarius
Author: Tricia - 06/05/2005 (19:54) 
I'm so very sorry for your loss of Aquarius. If we could just have them forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this heartbreaking time. Remember him always, keep him close to you in your heart, and cherish the memories.
Tricia, Burton's Mom

Jeannette Blackwell--Mon, 6 Jun 2005 
I lost my cat that my grandfather gave me when I was a little child and I still think
of Avie from time-to-time.  We buried him in a shoebox under the evergreen tree in my parent's
back yard.My siblings and I are all grown up,but we still talk like Avie is still alive,
everytime we're home in Ohio and looking at that evergreen tree.  I'm sure that Aquarius
will live on in your memories as well.

K.W.--Mon, 6 Jun 2005
I've never understood those people who think it's silly to grieve the loss of a beloved pet.  Actually, I worry about them a little bit!
I also made the long drive to Buffalo Grove with my cat a few years ago (Jahmi wasn't quite as old as Aquarius, but we think he was 18).  During that trip with my dying kitty, I realized that my dear friend who came with me was really meant to be my partner.  Who else would take an unpaid night off work, hold my hand, blow my nose, clean up my hysteria-induced vomit, and secretly cry himself?
I wish you all (including the rest of the fourlegged family members) the best! 

Michaela 'Mickey' Nelson--Fri, 10 Jun 2005
How sweet what you have done for Aquarius.  Both my musician husband,
Jim and I were touched with your memorial.
I am sending you by reply on your original email a compiled prayer my
pastor & a nun friend made from St. Francies (patron saint of animals). 
I hope it will bless your aching heart.

Maureen Mark--Fri, 10 Jun 2005
France and Howard,
I extend my thoughts and prayers to you both for the loss of your dear
friend. Though I've never met Aquarius or France, I can understand that
the universally warm sentiments and bonds between humans and their
loyal animal companions is at once enviable and calming while they are with
you, and terribly painful and sad when they leave. I've never had a
cat, but I'm constantly aware of the ones upstairs as they scamper and
play on the hardwood floors, and the ones downstairs watch like curious
sentinals through the first floor windows. It's not enough for one to
say, "Time will heal," or "You can get another one who needs a home," or
"You at least have the fond memories." No, it's your time to grieve.
Just know that you have my friendship and deep condolences.
Wishing you a world of peace,

Philip M. Ricks--Tue, 7 Jun 2005
I am so sorry for your loss.  We have an older cat and each
day we are grateful for her pressence.  When you are ready, I know you
will go out and get adopted by another cat.

Surendra--Mon, 13 Jun 2005
Thank you for letting me know the demise of AQUARIUS.I must have
probably met AQUARIUS, when I visited your house, even though I am sad that I
did not get acquanited with him. It seems that he was a very faithful
companion and it must be hard for both of you especially France. But you
have the cherished memories to live with and maybe the lesson AQUARIUS,
taught is how to be faithful friend in this all too uncertain life..If
only I had learned this lesson much earlier my life would have been
different...but am learning for sure and AQUARIUS, reaffirms this by your
friendship in your household. In that way life of Acquarius has not
gone waste.

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